Best Friends: I Wish I was a Lesbian


My friend sent me this song by Hello Saferide and I love it. It’s about how best friends are so awesome you want to fall in love with them AND it has the wonderfully catchy chorus ‘Damn I Wish I Was a Lesbian’. My friend is gay which made me laugh harder – I vaguely thinking that might seem inappropriate, it’s really really not it’s just hilarious. Live Laugh Love.  Great friendships are so amazing.

Happy weekend everyone!

From my Shelf: Nada Surf

It’s October, which for me means driving to work more, in turn that means I’m listening to CDs. This Nada Surf album is one I bought from Fopp for £5 (I know as the sticker is still on). I loved it at the time and I love it not, particularly the song Inside of Love.  It reminds me of how I used to feel, lost and lonely.