Tag Archives: newmusic

Minor Victories

I know right? I’ve been away from this blog forever. It’s something I’d like to change but who knows what will happen.

Anyhow I’ve been listening to so much amazing new music lately, including this track from Minor Victories, a group made up of members of Slowdive, Editors, Mogwai and Hand Held Cine Club. It’s sublime.

Discover Discover

Because I Am Always Talking cover art

I know there are many who think Spotify is akin to Satan in terms of the little revenue it gives to artists, however lately I’ve found loads of amazing music through it. One such band/person (information seems to be very limited is Careful), have a listen.

(An aside on Spotify the thing with me is that I buy vinyl and I use to discover bands whose vinyl I buy and gigs I attend. Long live the physical medium of music!)